HCC is a single-source, C/C++ compiler for heterogeneous computing. It's optimized with HSA (http://www.hsafoundation.com/).
Public Attributes | List of all members
grid_launch_parm Struct Reference
Inheritance diagram for grid_launch_parm:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for grid_launch_parm:
Collaboration graph

Public Attributes

gl_dim3 grid_dim
 Grid dimensions.
gl_dim3 group_dim
 Group dimensions.
unsigned int dynamic_group_mem_bytes
 Amount of dynamic group memory to use with the kernel launch. More...
enum gl_barrier_bit barrier_bit
 Control setting of barrier bit on per-packet basis: See gl_barrier_bit description. More...
unsigned int launch_fence
 Value of packet fences to apply to launch. More...
 Pointer to the accelerator_view where the kernel should execute. More...
 Pointe to the completion_future used to track the status of the command. More...

Member Data Documentation

hc::accelerator_view* grid_launch_parm::av

Pointer to the accelerator_view where the kernel should execute.

If NULL, the default view on the default accelerator is used.

enum gl_barrier_bit grid_launch_parm::barrier_bit

Control setting of barrier bit on per-packet basis: See gl_barrier_bit description.

Placeholder, is not used to control packet dispatch yet

hc::completion_future* grid_launch_parm::cf

Pointe to the completion_future used to track the status of the command.

If NULL, the command does not write status. In this case, synchronization can be enforced with queue-level waits or waiting on younger commands.

unsigned int grid_launch_parm::dynamic_group_mem_bytes

Amount of dynamic group memory to use with the kernel launch.

This memory is in addition to the amount used statically in the kernel.

unsigned int grid_launch_parm::launch_fence

Value of packet fences to apply to launch.

The correspond to the value of bits 9:14 in the AQL packet, see HSA_PACKET_HEADER_ACQUIRE_FENCE_SCOPE and hsa_fence_scope_t. Set to -1 for conservative defaults. Placeholder, is not used to control packet dispatch yet

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