HCC is a single-source, C/C++ compiler for heterogeneous computing. It's optimized with HSA (http://www.hsafoundation.com/).
Class Hierarchy

Go to the graphical class hierarchy

This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CConcurrency::graphics::__amp_norm_template< isSigned >
 C__amp_norm_template< isSigned >
 Chc::short_vector::__amp_norm_template< isSigned >
 CConcurrency::__has_data< T >
 Chc::__has_data< T >
 CConcurrency::__has_size< T >
 Chc::__has_size< T >
 CConcurrency::__is_container< T >
 Chc::__is_container< T >
 C__vector_data_container< SCALAR_TYPE, VECTOR_LENGTH >
 CConcurrency::graphics::__vector_data_container< SCALAR_TYPE, VECTOR_LENGTH >
 Chc::short_vector::__vector_data_container< SCALAR_TYPE, VECTOR_LENGTH >
 Chc::short_vector::__vector_data_container< float, VECTOR_LENGTH >
 CConcurrency::graphics::__vector_data_container< float, VECTOR_LENGTH >
 C__vector_data_container< SCALAR_TYPE, 1 >
 CConcurrency::graphics::__vector_data_container< SCALAR_TYPE, 1 >
 Chc::short_vector::__vector_data_container< SCALAR_TYPE, 1 >
 Chc::short_vector::__vector_data_container< SCALAR_TYPE, 16 >
 C__vector_data_container< SCALAR_TYPE, 16 >
 CConcurrency::graphics::__vector_data_container< SCALAR_TYPE, 16 >
 Chc::short_vector::__vector_data_container< SCALAR_TYPE, 2 >
 C__vector_data_container< SCALAR_TYPE, 2 >
 CConcurrency::graphics::__vector_data_container< SCALAR_TYPE, 2 >
 Chc::short_vector::__vector_data_container< SCALAR_TYPE, 3 >
 C__vector_data_container< SCALAR_TYPE, 3 >
 CConcurrency::graphics::__vector_data_container< SCALAR_TYPE, 3 >
 Chc::short_vector::__vector_data_container< SCALAR_TYPE, 4 >
 C__vector_data_container< SCALAR_TYPE, 4 >
 CConcurrency::graphics::__vector_data_container< SCALAR_TYPE, 4 >
 Chc::short_vector::__vector_data_container< SCALAR_TYPE, 8 >
 C__vector_data_container< SCALAR_TYPE, 8 >
 CConcurrency::graphics::__vector_data_container< SCALAR_TYPE, 8 >
 CConcurrency::acceleratorRepresents a physical accelerated computing device
 Chc::acceleratorRepresents a physical accelerated computing device
 CConcurrency::accelerator_viewRepresents a logical (isolated) accelerator view of a compute accelerator
 Chc::accelerator_viewRepresents a logical (isolated) accelerator view of a compute accelerator
 Chc::am_allocator< T >
 CConcurrency::array< T, N >Represents an N-dimensional region of memory (with type T) located on an accelerator
 Chc::array< T, N >Represents an N-dimensional region of memory (with type T) located on an accelerator
 CConcurrency::array_projection_helper< T, N >
 Chc::array_projection_helper< T, N >
 CConcurrency::array_projection_helper< T, 1 >
 Chc::array_projection_helper< T, 1 >
 CConcurrency::array_view< T, N >The array_view<T,N> type represents a possibly cached view into the data held in an array<T,N>, or a section thereof
 Chc::array_view< T, N >The array_view<T,N> type represents a possibly cached view into the data held in an array<T,N>, or a section thereof
 CConcurrency::array_view< const T, N >The partial specialization array_view<const T,N> represents a view over elements of type const T with rank N
 Chc::array_view< const T, N >The partial specialization array_view<const T,N> represents a view over elements of type const T with rank N
 CConcurrency::completion_futureThis class is the return type of all C++ AMP asynchronous APIs and has an interface analogous to std::shared_future<void>
 Chc::completion_futureThis class is the return type of all asynchronous APIs and has an interface analogous to std::shared_future<void>
 CConcurrency::copy_bidir< T, N, dim >
 Chc::copy_bidir< T, N, dim >
 CConcurrency::copy_bidir< T, N, N >
 Chc::copy_bidir< T, N, N >
 CConcurrency::copy_input< InputIter, T, N, dim >
 Chc::copy_input< InputIter, T, N, dim >
 CConcurrency::copy_input< InputIter, T, N, N >
 Chc::copy_input< InputIter, T, N, N >
 CConcurrency::copy_output< OutputIter, T, N, dim >
 Chc::copy_output< OutputIter, T, N, dim >
 CConcurrency::copy_output< OutputIter, T, N, N >
 Chc::copy_output< OutputIter, T, N, N >
 CConcurrency::do_copy< Iter, T, N >
 Chc::do_copy< Iter, T, N >
 CConcurrency::do_copy< Iter, T, 1 >
 Chc::do_copy< Iter, T, 1 >
 CConcurrency::do_copy< T *, T, 1 >
 Chc::do_copy< T *, T, 1 >
 Chc::do_copy< T *, T, N >
 CConcurrency::do_copy< T *, T, N >
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 CConcurrency::extent< N >Represents a unique position in N-dimensional space
 Chc::extent< N >Represents a unique position in N-dimensional space
 Chc::extent< 1 >
 CConcurrency::extent< 1 >
 Chc::extent< 2 >
 CConcurrency::extent< 2 >
 CConcurrency::extent< 3 >
 Chc::extent< 3 >
 CKalmar::index< N >Represents a unique position in N-dimensional space
 CKalmar::index< 1 >
 CKalmar::index< 2 >
 CKalmar::index< 3 >
 CConcurrency::pfe_helper< N, Kernel, _Tp >
 Chc::pfe_helper< N, Kernel, _Tp >
 CConcurrency::pfe_helper< 0, Kernel, _Tp >
 Chc::pfe_helper< 0, Kernel, _Tp >
 CConcurrency::pfe_wrapper< N, Kernel >
 Chc::pfe_wrapper< N, Kernel >
 CConcurrency::projection_helper< T, N >
 Chc::projection_helper< T, N >
 CConcurrency::projection_helper< const T, 1 >
 Chc::projection_helper< const T, 1 >
 CConcurrency::projection_helper< const T, N >
 Chc::projection_helper< const T, N >
 CConcurrency::projection_helper< T, 1 >
 Chc::projection_helper< T, 1 >
 Cshort_vector< SCALAR_TYPE, SIZE >
 CConcurrency::graphics::short_vector< SCALAR_TYPE, SIZE >
 Chc::short_vector::short_vector< SCALAR_TYPE, SIZE >
 Chc::short_vector::short_vector_traits< SCALAR_TYPE >
 CConcurrency::graphics::short_vector_traits< SCALAR_TYPE >
 Cshort_vector_traits< SCALAR_TYPE >
 Cshort_vector_traits< __vector< SCALAR_TYPE, SIZE > >
 CConcurrency::graphics::short_vector_traits< __vector< SCALAR_TYPE, SIZE > >
 Chc::short_vector::short_vector_traits< __vector< SCALAR_TYPE, SIZE > >
 Chc::tile_barrierCapability class that is only creatable by the system, and passed to a tiled parallel_for_each function object as part of the tiled_index parameter
 CConcurrency::tile_barrierCapability class that is only creatable by the system, and passed to a tiled parallel_for_each function object as part of the tiled_index parameter
 CKalmar::tiled_extent< D0, D1, D2 >
 CConcurrency::tiled_index< D0, D1, D2 >Represents a set of related indices subdivided into 1-, 2-, or 3-dimensional tiles
 Chc::tiled_index< N >Represents a set of related indices subdivided into 1-, 2-, or 3-dimensional tiles
 Chc::tiled_index< 1 >Represents a set of related indices subdivided into 1-, 2-, or 3-dimensional tiles
 Chc::tiled_index< 2 >Represents a set of related indices subdivided into 1-, 2-, or 3-dimensional tiles
 CConcurrency::tiled_index< D0, 0, 0 >Represents a set of related indices subdivided into 1-, 2-, or 3-dimensional tiles
 CConcurrency::tiled_index< D0, D1, 0 >Represents a set of related indices subdivided into 1-, 2-, or 3-dimensional tiles